目前分類:生命中的天使 (6)

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那裡有更內在更有靈性的(或是說更胡思亂想的 t 喵喵)

















tmeow 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

作者: lonelycat (喵嗚=^^=) 看板: P_lonelycat

標題: Thanks for the angels in my life(3)

時間: Tue Aug 2 14:23:42 2005

I know that I should go to sleep, but I need to do something tonight.It's

another cycle of "up and down" during those days. Fortunately, I survived


Thanks for "Cat".

She always gave me some important messages. I know that I'll thank for her

more than once. =^^=

Let me make things much simple...I want to thank for her coming last week.

The chat was so significant for me.

"Accept", that's one of the topics in my life.

Thanks for your reminding.

PS I'm a little bit regret for using English for these serial...

I should know it's so difficult to make the article longer.....


tmeow 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

作者: lonelycat (喵嗚=^^=) 看板: P_lonelycat

標題: Thanks for the angels in my life(2)

時間: Fri Jul 22 03:54:56 2005

Thanks for Saz.

He was a easygoing and thoughtful guy. I have no idea that how much effort

he has paid for doing this job so great. Although we didn't finish the work,

he still gave me some great times during this summer. At least, I speaks in

English over one hours everyday.

Also, he was the first American guy that I can feel free to show my real




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It is a good start for me.

At first, it was a typo for angels. I type it as angle. Actually, it does some new angles for me to review my life. Yes, thanks for this mistake so that I can do this job with more awareness.

I thanks for the host of the blog I visited tonight.

Because of her, I found this topic.

It is definately a proper time to do this job.

I got some suggestion to write down my thought or my words by typing.

Before tonight, I still can't find anything to write. Also, I am not able to choose which language I should use.

Thanks for the angel I met today, because of her, I start to write down something. No matter how terrible my English is or how busy I my. I use typing to practice my English and to raise the energy of my hands.

I thanks for every role passed by my life.

tmeow 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

This is a new series that I want to do.

Last week, I was in low energy and felt so negtive in everything. I tried to figure out something great or important to me. However, I was too upset that I couldn't find anything.

When I browsing the blogs today, I found this topic. I guess is is time for me to do that. I'm going to review my life in that pass. Thanks for those persons who were so kind or so mean to me. I thanks for them. Because of them, I am here and in my way to somewhere.

The series are not for the in the time order. I will choose the guys appears in my mind. For those who were kindness, I will write down there names. For those who hurt me a lot, I will write down some nickname. If you thought that you know someone in my story, please do not guess anything. It's just some reflection for my life.

I thanks for every role in my life.


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