This is a new series that I want to do.

Last week, I was in low energy and felt so negtive in everything. I tried to figure out something great or important to me. However, I was too upset that I couldn't find anything.

When I browsing the blogs today, I found this topic. I guess is is time for me to do that. I'm going to review my life in that pass. Thanks for those persons who were so kind or so mean to me. I thanks for them. Because of them, I am here and in my way to somewhere.

The series are not for the in the time order. I will choose the guys appears in my mind. For those who were kindness, I will write down there names. For those who hurt me a lot, I will write down some nickname. If you thought that you know someone in my story, please do not guess anything. It's just some reflection for my life.

I thanks for every role in my life.

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