The molded bunnny lies in the basket, surrounded by green paper"grass."

With Easter morning eyes wide with anticipation, the little boy carefully lifts

the chocolate figure and bites into one of the long ears. But the sweet taste

fades quickly, and the child looks again at hte candy in his hand. Itls hollow!

Empty, futile, hollow, nothing...the words rings of disappointment and

disillusionment. Yet this is the life-experience of many. Grasping the sweet

things-they find nothing inside. Life is empty, meaningless...and they despair.



Almost 3000 years ago, Solomon spoke of this human dilemma; but the insights an

applications of his message are relevant in our time. Ecclesiastes, Solomon's

written sermon, is an analysis of life's experiences and a critical essay about

its meaning. In this profound book, Solomon take us on a mental journey through

his life, explaining how everything he tried,tested,or tasted was "meaningless"

-useless,irrational, pointless, foolish, and empty-an exercise in futility. And

remember, these words are from one who "had it all"--tremendous intellect,

power, and wealth. After this biographical tour, Solomon made his triumphant

conclusion: "Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole "duty"

of man. For God will bring every deed into judgement, including every hidden

thing, whether it is good or evil" (12:13, 14).


糟糕的…看看他用的字眼--"meaningless"--useless, irrational, pointless, foolish,

and empty--完全處於憂鬱症的狀態啊!然後他得到的結論是「敬畏 神,謹守他的誡命,

這是人所當盡的本分。因為人所作的事,連一切隱藏的事,無論是善是惡, 神都必審問。」


When Solomon became king, he asked God for wisdom( 2 Chronicles 1:7-12), and he

became the wisest man in the world(1 Kings 4:29-34) He studied, taught, judged,

and wrote. Kings and leaders from other nations came to Jerusalem to learn from

him. But with all of his practical insight on life, Solomon failed to heed his

own advice, and he begam a downward spiral. Near the end of his life, Solomon

looked back with an attitude of humility and repentance. He took stock of the

world as he had experienced it, hoping to spare his readers the bitterness of

learning through personal experience that everything apart from God is empty,

hollow, and meaningless.


Although the tone of Ecclesiastes is negative and pessimistic, we must no

conclude that the only chapter worth reading and applying is the last one,

where he draws his conclusions. In reality, the entire book is filled with

practical wisdom (how to accomplish things in the world and stay out of

trouble) and spiritual wisdom (how to find and know eternal values.) Solomon

had a very honest approach to life. All fo his remarkes relating to hte

gutility of life are there for a purpose--to lead people to seek true happiness

in God alone. He was not trying to destroy all hope, but to direct our hopes to

the only One who can truly fulfill them. Solomon affirms the value of knowledge,

relationships, work , and pleasure, but only in their proper place. All of these

temporal things in life must be seen in light of the eternal.

Read Ecclesiastes and learn about life. Hear the stern warnings and dire

predictions, and commit youreself to remeber your Creator now(12:1)

好啦.終於到最後一段了…結論是雖然整篇充滿悲觀負面的情緒,但是只要依靠 神和所




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